Location: 204 W. 17th Street, Kemp, Texas.
Phone Number: 903-498-1405 Ext. 7205
Office Hours: The office hours for DAEP are 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
DAEP Hours: 7:40 AM – 3:00 PM
Arrival & Pick-Up (Parents must provide transportation to and from DAEP)
Mission: To guide students toward improved behavior, academic discipline, and social skills so they may return to their home campus and function effectively as a student and community member.
Kemp DAEP Creed: I have the power to be a better person today than I was yesterday. I accept the responsibility for my behavior and its results. I will have respect for myself and others. The decisions I make today will affect the rest of my life.
DAEP General Classroom Rules: