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Discipline Alternative Program (DAEP)

Discipline Alternative Program (DAEP)

Location: 204 W. 17th Street, Kemp, Texas.

Phone Number: 903-498-1405  Ext. 7205

Office Hours: The office hours for DAEP are 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

DAEP Hours: 7:40 AM – 3:00 PM

Arrival & Pick-Up (Parents must provide transportation to and from DAEP)

  • Doors open and check in begins at 7:40 AM Students must NOT be on campus till 7:40 AM There is no staff on duty until 7:40 AM. 
  • Breakfast will be served from 7:55 to 8:10 AM
  • Dismissal begins at 3:00 PM Students who do not have transportation must have permission on file for walking from campus.
  • All students must be off campus by 3:15 PM. Students not picked up by 3:15 PM will need to leave school grounds and wait at a predetermined location off school grounds.



Mission: To guide students toward improved behavior, academic discipline, and social skills so they may return to their home campus and function effectively as a student and community member.


  • To provide students with a quiet, safe, and successful educational experience.
  • To teach students to become responsible for their own actions.
  • To help students learn to respect and get along well with others.
  • To build self-esteem and self discipline.
  • To help students understand that choices and actions do come with consequences.

Kemp DAEP Creed: I have the power to be a better person today than I was yesterday.  I accept the responsibility for my behavior and its results.  I will have respect for myself and others.  The decisions I make today will affect the rest of my life.

DAEP General Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful of all DAEP staff members, guests, and other students at all times.
  • Be respectful of all DAEP staff members and other students property at all times.
  • Remain on task and stay focused.
  • Do your assigned work neatly, correctly, in proper form and give it to the teacher on time.
  • That is the most important thing you can do in this class. Give yourself a chance to succeed.
  • Do whatever the teacher asks without argument or disagreement.
  • Before doing anything, a student must ask the teacher appropriately.


  • Keep your contact information updated
  • Watch Dallas TV, listen to Dallas radio, or visit the school website for school closing information
  • Be at school. If not at school bring note from parent, doctor, or court within three days of absence
  • Stay off school property (all schools in Texas) until released from DAEP.
  • Follow all rules and procedures with a good attitude
  • Be responsible for YOUR actions

DAEP Documents